Windjammers 2 (Dotemu)

Cover Art by Simon Périn
Cover Art by Simon Périn

Windjammers 2 is the sequel to the original Windjammers 1994 fast-paced versus game featuring new mechanics that were thoughtfully crafted to make it fresh, highly addictive and competitive again.

Opening anime by @samkaat

I joined the team to think, playtest and iterate through new ideas to enhance the original Windjammers 1994 experience. The already established competitive player-base we had rekindled since the remaster was giving us major clues on how to approach new mechanics. We felt that playstyle displayed by the WJ2 community at a higher level of play were rather defensive and that it was lacking a variety of playstyle that can be found on fighting games. Along with Jordi Asensio I designed and programmed the jump, slapshop, dropshot and X-moves mechanics as well as the AI, game-design tools and fmod implementations.

Documentary shot and produced by Alex Pilot for Dotemu

Being somewhat a competitive player myself I loved the back and forth tuning we had in balancing moves and introducing mechanics, the dialog we had with the windjammers community and the passion involved. It's hard to keep a good balance when some players are rather conservative and others thriving for new stuff but we know we made good calls when they share warm emotions after a close game!