Seeking Light (gamejam)

As a plant you had an easy life back when Grandma was taking care of you but since she died recently you have to search for light and get water on your own... Also the sun is running away for some reason so you'll need to catch up with him or else you will die. That's the whole plot of Seeking Light, a game made by @frosk404 (ld) @snowpriestess (art) and myself (prog) for the ludum dare #39 "Running out of Power" in 3days.

Most of my work was related to the plant-physics. I heavily used HingeJoints and the rest was editor scripting and planty (did you get it?) of iterations. Nothing too complicated to really talk about and the code must be dirty, it’s a gamejam after all ! The sourcecode is on my github (
See our Ludum Dare webpage: