My ordinary life (gamejam)

My ordinary life is our entry for the ludum dare #49. I teamed with the super-talented-fast-working @snowpriestess again and @yuko who's a friend I met back in the good old RPG Maker forums days.

We quickly agreed to work on an absurd 3D city that we would pack with everyday-tasks made stupid in terms of goals and mechanics, to fit the theme "Unstable".

Tina worked on the 3D static meshes, menu textures, camera settings and vehicles, Yuko worked on the characters and quest scripts and I implemented the gameplay, animations and tech.
I wanted to use procedural animations, while not great at humanoid forms it works like a charm for quick gameplay implementations and I had a feeling that pairing it with clayxels would make the flaws appear adorable in a goofy way. Once procedural animation implemented I quickly implemented grabs, jumps and movement and we could work on actual gameplay. The last thing to implement was linking events together into "quests" that Yuko would set in editor along dialogs.
Please go check our Ludum Dare webpage: